I am going to start by saying ‘happy first birthday Eventful Projects’
12 months ago I returned home to Adelaide from an extraordinary event career in Sydney; I arrived here with a vision to build an event agency that provides clients with creative event solutions that deliver remarkable and lasting experiences.
On this very day 28 October last year, my vision became a reality and Eventful Projects was established; as with all visions Eventful Projects is continually evolving and whilst I look back at the last twelve months and the amazing events we have delivered there are several ‘thank you’s’ in order. I would like to start by firstly thanking my family who have given me unconditional love and limitless support so that I can fulfil my dream. Thank you to my mum and dad.
I would also like to give Jason and the Argon Design team my heartfelt thanks; thank you to all the team for welcoming Eventful Projects into the Argon Design family. Jason, I am sincerely thankful for the support Argon Design provides Eventful Projects and I cherish the partnership our businesses have formed allowing us to provide clients with an inclusive service. I look forward to our friendship and partnership evolving into the years ahead.
Most importantly, I want to thank all of you. It is because of such great clients, suppliers and our supporters that Eventful Projects has reached its one year milestone and we certainly look forward to reaching many more.
So I would like to make a toast to Eventful Projects achievements to date, our achievements in the future and most of all a toast to YOU for your continued support.
Happy Birthday Eventful Projects!!!!
Of course we had a special afternoon tea to celebrate our milestone, here are some pictures.